Large ink manufacturers sales growth of the cause of the decline of profits

For the global printing ink manufacturing, in 2012 is a year full of challenge, as the economy improved, raw material prices continue to rise, although the ink manufacturers in controlling the cost of production fluctuation, ink product sales price also rise slightly, but still unable to ease the immense pressure due to high raw material prices. Thus, while many large ink manufacturer's sales growth, but general decline in profits. Ink world magazine published the latest global ink sales in 2012 top ten enterprises, according to the 2011 global most advanced ink manufacturers have achieved good sales performance, especially those who focus on in the field of packaging, Numbers, and UV printing ink manufacturers. And, in 2012, Asia Pacific and South America business grew rapidly and become a highlight of the global ink market. Falling profits is the most concern of the current global manufacturing ink. Ink manufacturing industry is facing a severe test, especially in the field of publishing and commercial printing, due to market demand, ink sales continue to decline, struggling to ink manufacturers. And raw material price rise did not abate, ink manufacturing profit growth is still have big pressure. For printing ink manufacturers, therefore, it is imperative that to find a way to raise the price of ink products, to ease the plight of the enterprise. Is sensitive to the change of economic environment has always been. In difficult economic environment, some markets are usually a better job, including fast food (including delivery) and boxes of food, including frozen staple food, such as pizza and all kinds of frozen meals). " Mr Breidigan said: "tradition and UV sheet-fed printing ink market lackluster performance, or weak, and, in the backdrop of the economic recession environment, like the other ink printing industry market, it is also under pressure from costs and prices, and under such conditions, the chemical is committed to help customers expand their business success. That means that we do every day for the customer's job is to constantly strengthen our core competitiveness in the business, such as timeliness, reliability, the arrival of the product quality stability, and the investment in product research and development." The sun chemical ink company's marketing director, North America MichelleHearn added: "when you stand in the Angle of the market perspective to observe things, what we see is that no significant weakness, folding carton packaging market because of the change of customer demand is not big, but on the other hand, in sheet-fed business of products cover printing market, most of the product demand fluctuation. Advertising display and brochure is a good example. Therefore, in most companies are considering how to cut spending, the commercial sheet-fed slump it is not surprising." Superior printing ink company's chief technology officer and senior vice President, SteveSimpson said in its report, packaging market performance is Superior to the business market. Mr Simpson, added: "print customer are trying to reduce inventory, and very careful management of distribution channels, therefore, print a single order shorter in length, specifically tonal with fewer, more print four-color printing." Mr Simpson pointed out: "in the current downturn in the economy, the investment for the high-speed sheet-fed printer clients are struggling to expand capacity, this is another market trends, we see for the printing speed can reach 18000 copies per hour for printing machine, if only in accordance with the printed 16000 copies of the speed, so, these customers are losing money. I think this is going to be an interesting phenomenon, a bit like a war, people on both sides of the fight is not recover the cost of the new machine and efficiency is not high but have recover the cost of old machines. Our commitment, as always, our products have comprehensive performance as much as possible, and the machine performance and stable product brings all kinds of benefits to our customers."
| Updated:2014.04.08    Source:    Clicks: