State-owned enterprises printing ink technology advantage is gradually lost

In recent years, with the popularization of technology and market competition, the domestic many traditional state-owned enterprises, printing ink technology lead gradually lose, other private enterprise product cost advantage also revealed, and expanding its market share. While some of the traditional old state-owned enterprises failed to keep up with the industry technical transformation, technology has failed to keep up with the change of the market, which is also produced change, namely original others follow us, become we follow somebody else. And because of the popularity of product technology and quality of product homogeneity, product competition, competition gradually became product prices and quality of service. The success of the private enterprise is go the way of market driven, ink development train of thought is: 1, develop the market for ink products, especially the competitiveness of good quality and cheap products, occupy the low-end market, such as paper, offset printing ink, plastic table printing ink and in printing ink, etc. Type 2, to develop environmental printing ink, such as alcohol soluble gravure printing ink, anhydrous soybean oil in offset printing ink, water-based ink (environmental protection), including water-based plastic printing ink is to support the development of guangdong province environmental protection products) and UV/EB flexo printing ink and other new type of ink: 3, the development, the printing ink of high value-added products, such as industrial inkjet products (continuous inkjet cIJ, on-demand drop the DOD), conductive ink, ink anti-counterfeiting security, etc. Ink varieties more, purpose is different also, and using ink printing is a technology, so the ink technology service also appears especially important. Not only requires server must be familiar with ink, but also incredibly printing technology. Gradually formed a market (customers) as the center, and have to meet the needs of customers to provide the appropriate ink products, thus improve the customer satisfaction for ink products and services, thereby expanding the ink market share.
| Updated:2014.04.08    Source:    Clicks: